COP4530 Fall 2004: Assignment 2

Due: 5 Oct 2004


Educational objectives:


Statement of work: (i) Implement a self-organizing linked list based on the count method, (ii) implement a simple generic vector class, and (iii) use the above containers to write a program that will provide certain features useful in computational nanotechnology, as described below.


Deliverables: Turn in a makefile, LOG.txt file, and all header and cpp files that are needed to build your project, as described in


Background: Nanotechnology deals with understanding matter at the level of a nanometer (at the level of atoms), and turning this fundamental understanding into useful products. It promises to revolutionize science and engineering, and much research effort and funding have been targeted to this area. Computation plays a crucial role here, since experiments are often difficult and expensive. We deal with one aspect of the computations. In a large class of computations, we need to track the motion of a set of atoms. The motion of an atom is influenced mostly by the positions of atoms close to it. Consequently, for each atom, we need to determine atoms close to it, and then compute their interaction. For our purposes, an atom is close to another if it is within a specified distance, called a cutoff distance. This assignment deals with the issue of how we can determine which atoms are close to a specified atom. One way to accomplish this task is to compute the distance between the specified atom and all other atoms, and determine which atoms are close. This requires Q(n) time per atom, if we have n atoms.


A popular alternative is to use a cell-based approach, which you will implement in your program. The space being studied is divided into cells, whose length is equal to the cutoff distance. Atoms are placed in cells, with a linked list being used in each cell to store the atoms belonging to that cell. In order to compute the neighbors of an atom, distances need to be checked only for the atoms in the cell to which it belongs, and in its 26 neighboring cells (boundary cells have fewer neighboring cells). This number is typically small.




  1. All your files should be under a directory called proj2.
  2. You will create the following files:

-       vector.h: This file implements a simple generic vector class with template parameter  T. The following features must be implemented:(i) a default constructor that initializes an array of size 10, (ii) a destructor, (iii) void push_back(const T &e), (iv) the operator[], and (v) int size( ) const. You may implement additional features, if you wish to. If you do not implement a copy constructor and an assignment operator, then you should prevent their use by making them private.

-       AtomList.h/cpp: These files implement a doubly-linked self adjusting list using the count method. This class need not be generic; it is sufficient to implement it so that it can store information regarding atoms. The exact information stored depends on the design of your program. Each node of the list will include a variable called count, which counts the number of times an atom has been accessed. We will give more details below on when an atom is considered accessed. You are free to choose the specific features you wish to implement. But they should be reasonable. For example, you will certainly need to implement an insert and a delete function.

-       Other files: You may use more files. You will need a three-dimensional array of linked lists. Each element of the array will correspond to a cell in space. You will also use a vector that will point to nodes in the linked lists. This is used to make certain operations faster. We will give more information later.

-       main.cpp: This is the main program. It will read the following simulation parameters from a file called, where each of the following is a floating point number on a separate line of the file: x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1, c1, c2, c3. The region of space the program keeps track of is the cube consisting of all point (x, y, z) such that x0 < x < x1, y0 < y < y1, and z0 < z < z1. Two types of atoms are permitted, C (representing Carbon) and H (representing Hydrogen). The cut-off distance for C-C interactions is c1, for C-H and H-C c2, and for H-H c3. Your cells should use have lengths equal to the largest cutoff distance. If the user wants to give these parameters in a file with a different name, then the user will give the command line arguments: -f <filename>.


The program will behave as follows. It accepts a series of commands from the user, with each command terminated by a newline. It takes an appropriate action on encountering each command, as described below. In the time complexities given below, m is the total number of atoms in the system.

-       quit: causes the program to be terminated

-       insert <Type> x y z: <Type> is either the character C (indicating Carbon) or H (indicating Hydrogen). x, y, and z are floating point numbers giving the position of this atom. On reading this command, this atom will be given a label I, if this is the I th insert operation, with I starting at 0. Information regarding this atom is placed in a linked list in the appropriate cell. Location I in the vector is made to point to the node in the linked list where information regarding this atom is stored. The time complexity for this operation is O(1).

-       delete n: It causes information regarding the atom labeled n to be deleted from the cell where it is present. Location n in the vector should be assigned a suitable value so that it does not point to a freed memory location. The time complexity for this operation is O(1).

-       move n x y z: If the current position of the atom labeled n is (xn, yn, zn), then the new position will be (xn+x, yn+y, zn+z). Note that the atom may now belong to a different cell. The count field for this atom is increment by one. The time complexity for this operation is O(# of elements in its cell).

-       place n x y z: The new position of the atom labeled n should become (x, y, z). Note that the atom may now belong to a different cell. The count field for this atom is increment by one. The time complexity for this operation is O(# of elements in its cell).

-       Neighbors n: This causes all neighbors of the atom labeled n to be output to standard output on a separate line, terminated by a newline, in the following format:

Neighbors of n are: n1 n2 ... nk

where n is the label of the atom, and n1, n2, ... nk are the labels of its neighbors. The '...' is not a part of the actual output. The count fields for atoms n, n1, ..., nk are increment by one. Note that atom ni is a neighbor of atom n if the distance between them is smaller than the cutoff for their types. For example, if n is Carbon and ni is Hydrogen, then they are neighbors if their cutoff distance is less than c2. The time complexity for finding the neighbors is O(# of elements in its cell and in neighboring cells).

-       makefile



1.              Your program should not have any output other than those specified above.

2.              You should not use the STL list or vector classes. You may use the string class. Please get my permission before using any other STL feature.

3.              We have provided a sample executable at ~cop4530/fall04/bin/proj2 on linprog. A sample file is available in the same directory. This program works correctly for the input provided in You can cd to the above directory and run: ./proj2 < to see the desired output. Once you build test cases for the program, you should test them with the above program and see if you find some errors, and likely causes for the errors. The first person to report a new error and suggest a suitable likely cause for the error with get bonus points!

4.              It is a good idea to create sample test cases to test your program, early in the software development process.

5.              We will test your vector class on an entirely different application. So it is important for this class to be generic and exactly as specified.

6.              It will be helpful for you to draw the cells array, the linked lists, and the vector for a two-dimensional version of this problem, and some sample input, so that you get a better idea of what the program does.