Undergraduate Curriculum Committee

Meeting Minutes Wednesday 9/21/2005 by A. Ford, Chair

Attending:  Ken Baldauf, Daniel Chang, Ann Ford, Steve Leach,  Daniel Schwartz, Betty Stanton, David Whalley

Several ideas about CDA 4503, Introduction to Computer Networks, proposed by Alec Yasinsac, Mike Burmeister, and Breno de Medeiros were discussed.  The idea to require CDA 4503 as a core requirement in the CS program did not receive support at this meeting.  It was determined that the course would remain as an elective.  Another proposal, which was to guarantee that the course be offered once a year, cannot be implemented.  Dave Whalley stated that it is not possible to make such a guarantee and that the course will be offered whenever demand exists for it. The enrollment in this course in the Fall 2005 semester is 6 students.

Dave Whalley's charge to the committee to propose new service courses that would be popular for nonmajors was discussed.  The goal is to increase enrollment in department courses. Several ideas were discussed re increasing enrollment: