List of Approved Games

Any of the following games are of a reasonable level and are already approved. Since each group must implement a different game, get your requests to me ASAP. I will be updating this chart as the requests come in.
Game Notes Group
Addiction Solitaire   Aaron Lathrop
Battleshippy - (a custom game)   Patricia Bolger,
Todd Elliott
Candyland This one will need to be unpacked from the jar file, to load needed files Ashley Ivey
Checkers Standard rules, 2 players Justin Carr
Chess Standard rules, 2 players John Currie
Chinese Checkers Typically implemented as a board game with marbles. Jesse Miller
Othello 2 players Kevin Clark,
Deryl Spielman
Parcheesi Does anybody even remember this? ;-) Roberto Moutran
Poker Gambling anyone? Josue Pacheco
Risk Can be done as a multiple-player game. Normal board game has up to 6 players. This one would be a little harder with the graphics layout Phillip Rushing
Roulette   Michael Schultz
Scrabble 2 or more players. Bernardo Valderrama,
Artemio Gallegos
Wheel of Fortune This one will need to be unpacked, so that the game can read some data files Austen Creech
Yahtzee The well-known dice game Aaron Sorin

Again, this is just a list of suggestions. You may certainly request a game that's not on this list. However, be sure to send me information about it your request (link to description, instructions, etc). so that I can determine whether it would be an appropriate level. Some games (like tic-tac-toe) are far below the level of games listed here. I would like each group to have a game that has at least a minimum level of difficulty.